Creating gentle introductions to coding for journalists... A brief look at how I'm trying to find gentle ways to introduce coding to students
Grounding journalism education This is a version of a Keynote speech I gave at the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia conference #JERAA17 in December 2017
Advice to journalism students for being online. Its getting to that point in the academic calendar where I’m writing documentation for the modules I’ll be teaching this year. Looking back over previous years, I’ve noticed how bits of information appear and disappear in the guidance notes I write; notes about certain types of kit
The right Medium for student work I’m in the process of finalizing my course/module descriptions for this year. In one of my second year modules – the digital landscape – we are asking the students to produce a piece of multimedia reporting (the other assignment is to work in groups to pitch a media related start-up
Who takes the risk in changing journalism? I’m spending the next few days in a research symposium about journalism. Lots of great people with interesting things to say about the changing face and challenges for journalism. I’m not going to go into too much detail about what’s being discussed -that’s partly because a