Putting a Markdown In an attempt to rediscover blogging I've moved from Wordpress to Ghost and in the process I've rediscovered the world of Markdown.
Why social media isn't blogging. I’m teaching first year journalism students at the moment and talking to them about a professional online presence. A phrase that I’ve been using a lot is blogging. The idea of a ‘blog’ and its value to an aspiring journalists is one I’m really comfortable with but
On blogs and social media ennui [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1543] My social media habits have changed over the years. I’ve never been particularly organised or disciplined so I tend to drift in and out of things – I have no strategy for my social media use. That may come
The Times will eat itself > “Millions of blogs have sprung up over the last year, but a cursory search shows that the majority of their information sources lead back to mainstream media. The bloggers are seeking or delivering insight, but what they need is accurate information on whatever subject they’re interested in. Time
Associated Blogosphere? In contrast to Ed Wassermans article I mentioned yesterday [http://digidickinson.net/2006/05/16/associated-blogosphere/], here is one from Jason Lee Miller at webpronews [http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/topnews/wpn-60-20060515SeedsOfAnAssociatedBlogosphere.html] that suggests a more symbiotic relationship between bloggers and journalists based on his reflection of the recent
Big media blogs: know your place. A nice post by Kevin Anderson on the Corante [http://strange.corante.com/archives/2006/04/] web site about fostering community turns out to be more about getting buy in from the old media rather than takeover: > [But] the last few weeks have only reinforced my fundamental view that