Hyperlocal. open data. journalism conference: If you'll come, I'll build it.

Update: I’ve decided on dates. 6th and 7th of November 2015 in Preston. If you’re interested you can tell me what you’d like to see through a quick survey.
As part of my current research activity into hyperlocal and open data, I’m finding myself at events talking to a lot of people in open data circles and a lot of people in Hyperlocal circles. But more often than not they aren’t the same events.
I know there are lots of moves to get hyperlocal’s interested in data journalism (especially with the election fresh in peoples mind). Likewise I know that a lot of open data people are also committed to (or ideologically disposed to ) the transparency and accountability aspects of journalism.
So, finding myself with some resources (that does mean money), I thought it would be fun to get some people in the same room.
So if you’re a hyperlocal, open (government) data person, journalist or local government person involved in data, would you come round to my place for a mini-conference on Making hyperlocal data journalism?
I have some ideas for what we could do…
- Some open training sessions in data for hyerplocals
- Some awareness raising from government people about what’s happening at a local level in terms of data
- Business models for hyperlocal data
- Best practice for working together to build data communities at a local level.
- can (and should) government tell stories with data
…but I know loads of people are doing some or all of these things already so if nothing else, it may just serve as a chance to get together and share this stuff with a hyperlocal focus.
At this stage I’d love to know if you’d be interested. What would you like to see? What format should it take? Who would you like to see speak or be in the room?
Initially I was thinking about a day or two at the end of August (maybe beginning of September but don’t want to clash with this event in Cardiff). But it could be later if people thought that was better. It would be in Preston.
Let me know in the comments below what, who and when to get the ball rolling.
***Credit: *Sofa picture Creative commons by net_efekt via Flickr